With the MFA writeup due later this month, I’m posting today with guidelines for MLA citation of both artwork and wall placards you encountered during your museum visit. Obviously, information culled from the museum’s excellent website should be sourced using standard web citation rules.

In addition, I’m including guidelines for citing information culled from a course session or posted powerpoint.

Work of Art

Goya, Francisco. The Family of Charles IV. 1800, Museo del Prado, Madrid. 1998.607.

Museum Wall Text

Wall text for The Family of Charles IV. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

Discussion or Lecture / Powerpoint Slides

Nash, Kate. Class discussion, February 8, 2019.

Nash, Kate. Class lecture, slide 5, February 8, 2019.

In all cases, In-Text Citations should refer, briefly but unambiguously, to an entry in the Works Cited list, using the first word or words of that entry: (Nash) or (Wall text) or even (Wall text for The Family of Charles IV) if you reference several wall texts, and the one you’re currently referring to isn’t clear from context.

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