Speech 2

Apr 21

Academic Presentation

As a “dry run” for the upcoming essay, a Pecha Kucha style presentation of your research findings: 20 slides at 20-second intervals. Slides should consist of images alone, or images with minimal text to keep track of dates or key events.

Plan to deliver your presentation from a written script. Practice presenting several times, and edit your script so that your words are timed closely to your slide transitions. For added bonus, memorize your script—but keep in mind that doing so requires significant practice.

Prep your slides on slides.google.com (key instructions for setting 20-second slide transitions here). Upload your script and paste a link to your slideshow in the comments below.

Presentations will be scored based on:

  • Engaging Historical Narrative
  • Compelling Fragments of the Past
  • Prior Scholarship Referenced
  • Interesting Order of Slides/Points
  • Delivery

Due by midnight on the evening of Wed, Apr 21

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