Class 11.2

Turning in your Bibliography

When your bibliography is complete, Print/Export to .pdf. Give the file a name like “Your Name.pdf”

Choose an entry that you’re proud of (both the bibliographic details and your brief summary of that source). Paste that passage into a comment below. Use the “upload file” option to attach your .pdf essay to that comment.

In Class

Finding Evidence in Newspapers & Magazines

Today in class we’ll make a start on the next phase of your research projects, finding exhibit sources that can function as a “Body of Evidence.”

Newspapers (and some magazines) via the BU Library Portal
In addition to whatever news sources you can find through Google searches, you can also access a vast archive of past issues via the BU Library portal. At the lower left of the front page, look for Databases A-Z. Once you arrive there, “Filter Database List” by choosing “News and Newspapers” from the drop-down menu.

Magazines (and some newspapers) via Google Books
Google Books has an impressive collection of old magazines, browsable here. Skim through the list for topics you’re interested in. Once you click on one issue of any title, in the left column of the viewer you can Search for text in ANY issue of the magazine, or click a link to “Browse all issues.” You can also get to the list of ALL magazines by clicking the link “View all magazines.”

Alternatively, use the Google Books’ Advanced Search, a feature you can call up by Googling the phrase “Advanced Book Search.” In that search interface, you can limit searches to Magazines or to Newspapers.

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