
May 9

End-of-Semester ePortfolio

e-portfolio site: bu.digication.com

For your graded ePortfolio assignment, please do the following:

  1. If you haven’t already created an ePortofolio on Digication, instructions here.
  2. Make sure that 3-4 of your major assignments are uploaded the Rhetoric, Humanities, and Social Science sections, at least one from each class.
  3. In addition, please include at least one of the Interdisciplinary Excursion assignments in the Interdisciplinary section.
  4. At the bottom of the Rhetoric section of your ePortfolio, add a rich text “Slide” that showcases what you’ve learned this term. There are many ways to approach this assignment. Here are a few possibilities (choose one, or come up with your own):
    • Talk directly about what you’ve learned. You might include a passage from one of your essays as an example of a crucial skill that you’ve mastered.
    • Demonstrate your mastery of a writing skill in a short 2-3 ¶ piece on any topic in any style.
    • Talk about the influence of skills you learned in Rhetoric in your writing for another class this term.
    • Present a favorite passage by a professional writer and talk about what that writer does that you would like to imitate in your own writing.

Extra Credit: include a brief description of each assignment prompt above each piece you post.

Trial Run: due midnight the evening of Sunday, May 2.

Final Draft: due midnight the evening of Sunday, May 9.

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